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Apa Beza Refill Dan No Refill ? / What is the Difference Between Refill and No Refill?


Refill bermaksud sekiranya anda membeli sesuatu followers, likes atau views, dalam tempoh refill, anda boleh masukkan balik followers yang menurun secara percuma. Sebagai contoh, anda beli 1000 followers dengan refill 30 hari, dalam tempoh 30 hari itu, sekiranya berlaku drop , followers anda menurun sebanyak 200 followers, anda boleh refill kembali jumlah drop tersebut melalui butang refill atau mesej kepada admin secara percuma sahaja (Hanya dalam tempoh refill iaitu 30 hari). Refill juga bukan bermaksud tidak berlaku drop, drop mungkin boleh berlaku atau tidak. Refill hanya membantu order anda sekiranya ada berlaku drop sahaja.

No refill pula bermaksud tiada guarantee sekiranya berlaku drop. Ini bukan bermaksud servis no refill akan berlaku drop, tetapi ia hanya tidak mempunyai guarantee sekiranya berlaku drop. No refill juga mungkin tidak drop, namun tiada guarantee untuk masa hadapan sekiranya berlaku apa-apa drop. Kebiasaannya, harga No Refill lebih murah berbanding Refill.


Refill means that if you purchase followers, likes, or views, you can restore any dropped followers for free within the refill period. For example, if you buy 1,000 followers with a 30-day refill, and within those 30 days, 200 followers drop, you can refill the dropped amount through the refill button or by messaging the admin—completely free of charge (only within the 30-day refill period).

Refill does not mean that drops will not occur. Drops may or may not happen. The refill feature simply allows you to restore lost followers if a drop occurs.

No refill, on the other hand, means there is no guarantee if a drop happens. This does not mean that a "no refill" service will definitely experience drops, but it simply does not come with a guarantee if a drop occurs. "No refill" services may not experience drops at all, but there is no future guarantee if any drop happens. Usually, no refill services are cheaper than refill services.